Sustainability: a growing trend in Mexico’s industrial parks

Sustainability: a growing trend in Mexico’s industrial parks

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Every year, more and more industrial parks in Mexico prioritize sustainability standards to stay at the forefront and attract eco-friendly companies and investors.

The rising demand for sustainable building

The concept of sustainability has been growing and becoming more relevant for decades, particularly since the Rio Summit in 1992. Today, it is a fundamental element of the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, which includes infrastructure innovation.

It is worth noting that since 2015, The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) has fervently promoted the creation of programs for sustainable building.

Another important sustainable construction milestone in Mexico was the release of the Mexican Regulation for Industrial Parks (NMX-R-046-SCFI-2015), which emphasized sustainable criteria as pivotal when operating and designing these facilities.

These endeavors have led to prioritizing new sustainable infrastructure transformation or construction. This is shown in the Roadmap for the New Generation of Intelligent and Sustainable Industrial Parks Towards 2030 issued by AMPIP (The Mexican Association of Industrial Parks).

As attested by AMPIP, nearly 70% of the industrial parks of Mexico already follow sustainable criteria.

Four sustainability certifications for industrial spaces

Sustainable building has become standard and reached ecological goals after adopting multiple certifications:

1. LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)

LEED certification is a guideline for sustainable building design and system for assessing them, employing a set of scores to qualify how each construction impacts the environment.

This evaluation considers energy savings, CO? emission reduction, indoor air quality, and water use efficiency.

2. EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies)

This certification focuses on the costs of sustainable improvements, such integrating technologies that save water, energy, and building materials in Mexico’s industrial parks.

In order to qualify, a building must reduce its energy and water use by up to 20% compared to other regional buildings.

3. GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)

This initiative comprises several communication standards related to sustainability.

Many organizations increase their transparency concerning their environmental impact and ways to reduce it when employing GRI.

Following this modular system, companies make better-informed choices, mitigate risks, strengthen relations with investors, and improve business opportunities.

4. GRESB (Global Estate Sustainability Benchmark)

This organization collects, qualifies, and validates information coming from ESG criteria and then submits it to financial markets for investors to analyze in their decision-making.

The ESG criteria embodies Environmental, Social, and Governance domains that merge in the same building and display their commitment to ecological footprint reduction and their contributions to society.

Nonetheless, the GRESB compiles and examine every single one successfully, elaborating on valuable reports to consult in managing sustainable assets.

Extending the invitation to be part of Mexico’s industrial parks

At Advance Real Estate, we are committed to reducing the ecological footprint of the properties we lease through Mexico’s Industrial parks.

This is why we integrated ESG criteria into our operation and in each investing decision, striving to face the challenges of the future.

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Advance Real Estate

Advance is a leading company in the acquisition, leasing and operation of industrial and logistics assets, with presence in 12 cities within Mexico and a portfolio of 11.5 million sf of industrial space.

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